Two years PowerTSM® – the evolution of a time series management industry standard into the cloud.

Overview of the striking features of PowerTSM® as well as plans including online calculator.

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YouTube Summer Special – Life is a Time Series!

Vacation, sun and beach – and time series everywhere, in the sky, the waves or the aircraft turbine.

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Crisis – Christmas – Chances!

HAKOM Christmas greetings 2022 – 2023 will be a good year.

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HAKOM PowerTSM® Preflight Check – play with the calculator.

The first and ultimate cloud platform for time series management out now!

HAKOM PowerTSM® Preflight Check - play with the calculator.

30 years of HAKOM, 30 years of Unlimited Time Series Management.

The history of HAKOM, Hasleder & Komornyik OEG begins on 23 December 1991.

30 Jahre HAKOM Time Series GmbH – Stefan Komornyik und Thomas Hasleder.

30 years of HAKOM – win 30 HAKOM cult sneakers!

On December 23 2021, HAKOM Time Series celebrates its 30th birthday.

HAKOM Time Series Marketing Survey 2021.

Bio – Christian Kornfeld.

Head of Product Development at HAKOM, climber and family man.

Bio Christian Kornfeld, Head of Product Development at HAKOM Time Series GmbH Vienna, Austria.

20 years of edna – HAKOM Time Series Vienna congratulates.

edna, the German Energy Market & Communication Association, celebrates its 20th anniversary.

HAKOM Time Series GmbH Wien gratuliert edna, dem Bundesverband Energiemarkt & Kommunikation e.V., zum 20jährigen Jubiläum.

HAKOM Talk – new format in the YouTube Channel.

Start into 2021 – talks with representatives from the energy industry.

HAKOM Talk "Meet the founders." – Stefan Komornyik und Thomas Hasleder im Gespräch.

December 21, 11:02h, Vienna: Winter solstice – Christmas is coming.

Christmas Greetings from HAKOM – somehow different, as a video.

New customers and product development - strong summer for HAKOM.

Erfolgreiche Strategie im Produktmanagement und Vertrieb als Booster für das Business.

Neukunden und Produktentwicklung – starker Sommer 2020 für HAKOM.

70 participants, 15 countries - HAKOM webinars as a platform for time series know-how.

Modelling Disruptive Changes in Energy Consumption Forecasts.

HAKOM Webinar: Modelling Disruptive Changes in Energy Consumption Forecasts.

YouTube and webinars - HAKOM with extended online presence.

Time series and forecast: trends, new developments, use cases and more in a new format.

Covid-19 – impact on energy behavior.

COVID-19, remote working and beyond.

An interview with Stefan Komornyik, CEO HAKOM Solutions GmbH.

CEO DI Stefan Komornyik HAKOM Solutions GmbH Wien Austria.

E-World 2020 – Solutions for IoT, Smart City, 5G in the focus of the visitors.

HAKOM performs at E World 2020 Essen – customers exited about new TSM Technology and FeasyUse®.

HAKOM E World 2020 Essen Deutschland.

HAKOM TSM performs at the IOTSWC2019 Barcelona.

The Smart City Barcelona - host of IoT Solutions 2019. FeasyUse® attracting great interest.

IOTSWC2109 Barcelona.